Walking in the light.
“If we walk in the light as He is in the light,
we have fellowship with one another.” — 1 JOHN 1:7
Our C&MA Metro District family faced a tumultuous period when a pastor’s wife, grappling with deep pain, sought solace. Her struggles—whether hopelessness, anxiety, depression, or other causes—went unanswered. Out of her crisis arose the idea of a personal development program for women. Were other women in ministry also wrestling with obligation rather than the freedom of God’s calling? How could we equip them for more effective service?
Prayers for women’s ministry training had long been heard. In 2011, the Metro District approached Nyack College/Alliance Theological Seminary about partnering on a program for women. Together, they envisioned a certificate program preparing women for ministry in and beyond their local churches.
Collaborative leadership birthed the Empower Program in 2012, offering biblical, theological, and spiritual formation. A diverse team crafted its mission and objectives. Fifty women enrolled in its inaugural 8-month course, reporting personal growth, biblical confidence, and spiritual healing. They embraced the format combining training with mentoring.
Growing enthusiasm prompted the program's expansion. By 2014, three courses offered ongoing development among Empower graduates who now mentor and lead others.
What began as a need and a dream has now become a reality: EMPOWER!
EMPOWER equips women to care for their own spiritual growth and soul care by teaching techniques and strategies to develop a strong inner life that can support a lifetime of public ministry at home or at work, in the church or in the world.
EMPOWER inspires women to step into their calling and use their spiritual gifts to minister to others in the power of the Holy Spirit and in biblical truth.
EMPOWER prepares women to draw others into intimacy with Christ by developing a mentoring lifestyle that consistently engages in God’s redemptive work for all people.
“Equipping, inspiring, and preparing women for effective ministry.”
— Empower