You have a voice and a story.

We want to hear it!

Thank you for being willing to share your story on the Empower blog. We are excited to share your story with alumnae as well as new members who are new to the Empower family. We are excited to see what God will do through your words.

If your work is selected for one of our media platforms, you will be contacted by the communications coordinator, and we will share how we would like to feature your submission and work with you on edits/production as necessary.

Submission Guidelines:

  • You must be an Alumnae or current Empower student.

  • You must submit:

    • Please keep your submission to 800 words or less. We may edit your submission, but this word count gives ample space for you to share your story, as well as to edit for clarity.

      • Please submit in the form below.

      • No clip art. You can send personal pictures that may help to tell the story, but we will add our own artwork to the blog as necessary.

    • Any type of creative content is welcome within the theme parameters listed below (funny, serious, poetry, prose, academic, or theological). You will work with our Blog Editor and Communication Coordinator to edit your piece as needed.

Topics for Submission

  • Thoughts, stories, and experiences from life and ministry
  • A theological piece
  • Career, vocation, and experiences as a working woman
  • Experiences from motherhood
  • Issues of Equality and Inequality
  • Single woman in the world and church
  • Mental health and faith